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Botaski — Proam 2020

Botaski — Proam 2020 [POSTPONED TO 2021]


Campeonato Cash Prize del calendario Elite IWWF aprobado por Nautique Masters. El Campeón de esta edición se clasificará automáticamente para los Masters 2021.
En la 1ª edición del BOTASKI PRO AM, 4 esquiadores entraron a 9.75m-43off, Robert Pigozzi DOM (1.00 @ 9.75m/43off), Sacha Descuns FRA (1.00 @ 9.75m/43off), Jon Travers USA (1.00 @ 9.75m/43off) y Will Asher UK (0.50 @ 9.75m/43off).
Robert Pigozzi, además batió el Récord del Mundo sub21. Nunca antes en la historia del esquí, en un mismo Campeonato, 4 esquiadores habían hecho boyas a 9.75m/43off.
En las finales head to head ganó Will Asher, segundo Brando Caruso y tercero Jon Travers. En la segunda edición el canadiense, Stephen Neveu, se alzo con el primer puesto.

IWWF Elite and Nautique Masters approved tournament. Champion of this edition will straight qualify for the 2021 Masters.
During the 1st BOTASKI PRO AM Edition, 4 Pro skiers went into 9.75m/43off, Robert Pigozzi DOM (1.00 @ 9.75m/43off), Sacha Descuns FRA (1.00 @ 9.75m/43off), Jon Travers USA (1.00 @ 9.75m/43off) and Will Asher UK (0.50 @ 9.75m/43off).
Robert Pigozzi, also broke the U21 World Record. The skiing conditions were fantastic at the site and its the first time in the Waterski history that 4 skiers got into 9.75m/43off in a same tournament.
Will Asher won the finals head to head against Brando Caruso and Jon Travers came in third. Stephen Neveu from CAN, won the second edition.



Top 30 men skiers in the current 2019 October IWWF Ranking List will have prioritized until April 1st. After that entries will open to anyone with minimum criteria for participation of a current personal best of 3.00 @ 10,75m.

Based on the IWWF Ranking List October 2019. Best goes last.

Reverse order from first round result.

Based on single best result from the 2 rounds.
In case of a tie for last spot, book up score will count.
If tie persists there will be a run off to enter the final.

Tie for the first place to be broken by a run off.
Ties for all other places to be broken by back up scores and if perfect ties persist then no run offs and placemente and cash will equally shared.

[1st] 5.000 USD
[2nd] 3.500 USD
[3rd] 2.500 USD
[4th] 1.500 USD
[5th] 1.000 USD
[6th] 700 USD
[7th] 500 USD
[8th] 300 USD

The format for head-to-head will be the usual bracket system, using the grid as is in the rule book.
The order of events will be the following:

The higher seeded skier will get to choose either which order to ski (first or second) or driver.
The lower seeded skier will get to choose the other component.

The skiers starting second off the dock will have to beat his opponent's score to qualify for the next round.
Except for the finals where there will be a run off to break the tie.

Positions 5th to 8th and 3rd to 4th will be determined by score in the first and second head-to-head bracket respectively.

Head to Head pairing in accordance with the following:

01 Proam 2019 Head to Head.jpg

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All Categories
2 Rounds + Head to Head Final
2020 Ski Nautique

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Entry Form


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Starting List
Streaming Round 1
Streaming Round 2
Streaming Finals

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Many thanks to our sponsors, without you it would not be possible.